Welcome to the VATA State-Only Membership Registration with the Virginia Athletic Trainers' Association. This registration session will allow you to provide contact information, sign consents, and submit payment to become a state-only member of the VATA.
If you are a member of the NATA and a resident of Virginia, you are automatically a member of the VATA and do not need to complete this application.
This membership is recommended for:
Non-resident Students studying in Virginia
ATs employed in Virginia, but are residents of other states/District of Columbia
Allied Professionals interested in Athletic Training
ATs who need a better financial option to maintain their state association membership
Multi-AT households
If you wish to join/renew membership through the NATA, to continue involvement at the district and national level as well, please go HERE.
Registration Fees for State-Only VATA Membership:
Please complete Steps 1 & 2 below.
Certified/Licensed Professional - $50
Student- $30
Allied/Fellow- $70